
  1. Purpose of Assemblers
  2. Reactive vs. Non-Reactive Methods
    1. Reactive Wrapping
    2. Non-Reactive Wrapping
  3. Additionally Specifying the Resource Types ResourceT and EmbeddedT explicitly
  4. Overview of Assemblers
    1. Overview of FlatHalWrapperAssembler
      1. Key Methods to Implement
      2. Example Implementation
      3. Usage in a Controller
    2. Overview of EmbeddingHalWrapperAssembler
      1. Key Methods to Implement
      2. Example Implementation
      3. Usage in a Controller

Assemblers in hateoflux are designed to reduce boilerplate code when creating HAL-compliant resource representations. They provide a structured way to wrap resources and enhance them with hypermedia links, following the HATEOAS principles. By implementing an assembler, developers can focus on defining how links are built for resources, while the rest of the wrapping logic is handled by the provided interfaces.

There are two assembler interfaces in hateoflux:

  • FlatHalWrapperAssembler
  • EmbeddingHalWrapperAssembler

Purpose of Assemblers

Assemblers serve as a bridge between raw resource data and HAL-compliant representations. They encapsulate the logic required to wrap resources, append hypermedia links, and manage embedded resources if necessary. By implementing the skeleton methods for building links, developers can customize how links are generated for their specific resources.

Assemblers help in:

  • Reducing Boilerplate Code: By handling the repetitive tasks of wrapping and linking, assemblers allow developers to focus on business logic.
  • Enhancing Consistency: They standardize the way resources are enhanced with links, ensuring that all resources follow the same patterns.
  • Supporting Reactive Programming: Reactive assemblers provide non-blocking, asynchronous handling of resources.
  • Better Maintainability: Centralizing link-building logic makes it easier to update or modify how links are generated, improving long-term maintainability.

Reactive vs. Non-Reactive Methods

The distinction between reactive and non-reactive assembler wrapping methods, such as wrapInResourceWrapper(), stems from preferences regarding the level at which wrapping operations are performed. Whether within reactive operators such as map() and flatMap(), or externally.

Reactive Wrapping

Wrapping reactively is a seamless operation and takes Publishers in and provides Publishers out. If no further processing is needed, it is often the most straight forward approach.


public Mono<HalListWrapper<Product, Void>> getAllProducts(ServerWebExchange exchange) {
    Flux<Product> productFlux = productService.getAllProducts();
    return productAssembler.wrapInListWrapper(productFlux, exchange);

Non-Reactive Wrapping

Wrapping non-reactively is useful when modifications are necessary. However, this is certainly not required, but ultimately is a question of preference.


public Mono<HalResourceWrapper<Product, Void>> getProduct(@PathVariable String id, ServerWebExchange exchange) {
    Mono<Product> productMono = productService.getProductById(id);
    return productMono
            .map(productObject -> {
                // e.g. do something here with the product first
                return productAssembler.wrapInResourceWrapper(productObject, exchange);

Additionally Specifying the Resource Types ResourceT and EmbeddedT explicitly

Java implements generics through a mechanism called type erasure, which means that generic type information (e.g. ResourceT) is not available at runtime. This poses a problem when the retrieval of the class type of an object is needed, but no object is available.

In HATEOAS, objects withing the _embedded node are all named. Assemblers use the class type information to infer the name that they need to use for such cases:

  "id": 12345,
  "_embedded": {
    "shipment": {  // <-- This name e.g. is based on the class type of the embedded resource 
      "id": 98765,
      // other fields etc.

While a missing embedded resource would simply result in the removal of the _embedded node altogether. However, if the node is expected to contain a list, it is common to send an empty list instead. An empty list of orders in HAL JSON would look like this:

  "_embedded": {
    "orders": []
  "_links": {

To enable assemblers to infer the class type from an empty List<Order> or Flux<Order>, the method getResourceTClass() is used. Similarly, embedded objects, whether in a list or standalone, require the type to be named, hence the use of the method getEmbeddedTClass().

Overview of Assemblers

Overview of FlatHalWrapperAssembler

The FlatHalWrapperAssembler interface is used for assembling wrappers of resources that do not have embedded resources. It handles both single resources and lists of resources, wrapping them in HalResourceWrapper and HalListWrapper respectively.

Key Methods to Implement

  • getResourceTClass(): Specifies the class type of ResourceT that the assembler builds. (Required)
  • buildSelfLinkForResource(): Constructs the self-link for the main resource. (Required)
  • buildSelfLinkForResourceList(): Constructs the self-link for the resource list. (Required)
  • buildOtherLinksForResource(): Adds additional links, other than self link, to the resource. (Optional)
  • buildOtherLinksForResourceList(): Adds additional links, other than self link, to the resource list. (Optional)

Example Implementation

public class ProductAssembler implements FlatHalWrapperAssembler<Product> {

    public Class<Product> getResourceTClass() {
        return Product.class;

    public Link buildSelfLinkForResource(Product product, ServerWebExchange exchange) {
        return Link.of("/products/" + product.getId())

    public Link buildSelfLinkForResourceList(ServerWebExchange exchange) {
        return Link.of("/products")

    public List<Link> buildOtherLinksForResource(Product product, ServerWebExchange exchange) {
        // Optional: Add additional links for the product resource
        Link categoryLink = Link.of("/category/" + product.getCategoryId())

        return List.of(categoryLink);

    public List<Link> buildOtherLinksForResourceList(ServerWebExchange exchange) {
        // Optional: Add additional links for the product list
        Link searchLink = Link.of("/products/search")

        return List.of(searchLink);

Usage in a Controller

public class ProductController {

    private final ProductService productService;

    private final ProductAssembler productAssembler;

    public Mono<HalResourceWrapper<Product, Void>> getProduct(@PathVariable String id, ServerWebExchange exchange) {
        return productAssembler.wrapInResourceWrapper(productService.getProductById(id), exchange);

    public Mono<HalListWrapper<Product, Void>> getAllProducts(ServerWebExchange exchange) {
        Flux<Product> productFlux = productService.getAllProducts();
        return productAssembler.wrapInListWrapper(productFlux, exchange);

Overview of EmbeddingHalWrapperAssembler

The EmbeddingHalWrapperAssembler interface is designed for assembling wrappers that include embedded resources. It extends the capabilities of FlatHalWrapperAssembler by handling both the main resource and its associated embedded resources.

The same rules that apply to the EmbeddedT of the wrappers also apply to the EmbeddingHalWrapperAssembler. Having an EmbeddedT does not mean it cannot be empty or null (see here for more details).

Key Methods to Implement

  • getResourceTClass(): Specifies the class type of ResourceT that the assembler builds. (Required)
  • getEmbeddedTClass(): Specifies the class type of EmbeddedT that the assembler builds. (Required)
  • buildSelfLinkForResource(): Constructs the self-link for the main resource. (Required)
  • buildSelfLinkForEmbedded(): Constructs the self-link for the embedded resource. (Required)
  • buildSelfLinkForResourceList(): Constructs the self-link for the resource list. (Required)
  • buildOtherLinksForResource(): Adds additional links to the main resource. (Optional)
  • buildOtherLinksForEmbedded(): Adds additional links to the embedded resource. (Optional)
  • buildOtherLinksForResourceList(): Adds additional links to the resource list. (Optional)

Example Implementation

public class OrderAssembler implements EmbeddingHalWrapperAssembler<Order, PaymentDetail> {

    public Class<Order> getResourceTClass() {
        return Order.class;
    public Class<PaymentDetail> getEmbeddedTClass() {
        return PaymentDetail.class;

    public Link buildSelfLinkForResource(Order order, ServerWebExchange exchange) {
        return Link.of("/order/" + order.getId())

    public Link buildSelfLinkForEmbedded(PaymentDetail detail, ServerWebExchange exchange) {
        return Link.of("/order-payment/" + detail.getId())

    public Link buildSelfLinkForResourceList(ServerWebExchange exchange) {
        return Link.of("/orders")

    // Other methods can be implemented as needed

Usage in a Controller

public class OrderController {

    private final OrderService orderService;

    private final PaymentService paymentService;

    private final OrderAssembler orderAssembler;

    public Mono<HalResourceWrapper<Order, PaymentDetail>> getOrder(@PathVariable String id, ServerWebExchange exchange) {
        Mono<Order> orderMono = orderService.getOrderById(id);
        Mono<PaymentDetail> paymentMono = paymentService.getPaymentDetailByOrderId(id);

        return orderAssembler.wrapInResourceWrapper(orderMono, paymentMono, exchange);

    public Mono<HalListWrapper<Order, PaymentDetail>> getAllOrders(String userId, ServerWebExchange exchange) {
        Flux<Order> ordersOfUser = orderService.getOrdersByUserId(userId);
        PairFlux<Order,PaymentDetail> ordersWithPaymentDetails = 
            PairFlux.zipWith(ordersOfUser, (order -> {
                int id = order.getId();
                return paymentService.getPaymentDetailByOrderId(id);
        return orderAssembler.wrapInListWrapper(ordersWithPaymentDetails, exchange);